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p o r t f o l i o 3 - a r c h i v e s
Koi Kimono - 1996
66" x 68" SOLD
Water Lilies -1990
53" x 70" SOLD
Garden - 1991
53" x 70" SOLD
Vertigo -1995
53" x 70" SOLD
Dachis Kimono - 2000
84" x 63" SOLD
Swing Dynasty - 1987
98" x 68" SOLD
Sunset Seascape - 1995
53" x 68" SOLD
Wizard Coat - 1994
50" x 66" SOLD
Birch - 1992
53" x 70" SOLD
Fields Coat - 1987
53" x 70" SOLD
Aspen - 1989
53" x 70" SOLD
Mountain Coat - 1993
53" x 70" SOLD
Oak - 1988
53" x 70" SOLD
Shroud # 5 - 1992
52" x 68"
Untitled (MIA commission) - 1989
54" x 38" SOLD
Shroud triptych - 1989
96" x 154" SOLD
Pinion Pine- 1994
50" x 130" SOLD
Confluence diptych - 1995
60" x 108 SOLD
Net Cape - 1988
45" x 60"
Red Stick Artifacts - 1987
96" x 198"
These are some of the most notable pieces from the 1980's and 1990's, spanning the range of my work from garment forms, both functional and conceptual, to tapestry-like wall pieces. Included here are examples from the following bodies of work: Landscapes and Landscape Greatcoats, Shrouds, Pelts, Cartoon/Icon Coats and Kimonos.
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